
i was on my previous blog for almost 10 years but i deleted it few weeks ago hahha!

so here im on my new platform *peace*

lot of things happened this year and im not happy with that. but life is short (same as love duhh and forgetting is sooo long~~ tiberrr)

so i decided (just noww) to proceed my life, at my own pace and move on!

actually, i wanna be away from social media. but fikir2, what should i do then??

thats why im here now.

maybe i should be more active here, sharing my not so much experiences. mehh

buttt im on my mission of ticking off my bucketlist. 

sooo that should add more adrenaline shots to my life in future!

ok enough of my chit chats, lets proceed to my FIRST PARAGLIDING experience in Kuala Kubu Bharu!!!

sebenarnya, im not that type of person yang suka buat outdoor activities. tapi since kita dah MCO for yearsss andd i just experienced double shots of heartbreaking love story this year(ciannnnn), sooo i mula lah buat crazy things i never done before. better than sitting alone, spending my time thinking about why im not enough huhuhu

On 13th November 2021, I drove my baby Bibah, alone. at first cuak la jugak nak pi sorang, risau kan kalau jadi apa2, tapi kuatkan je hati. it took me 1 hr from Ampang untuk sampai Kuala Kubu Bharu.

Jangan risau, kat sini easy nak park kereta. nama tempat ni taman millennium kalau tak silap. i sampai tu tengok2 dah ada few peoples kat situ. i buat rilek je la. padahal cuak sebab semua ada partner/group. 

At 9am, isi borang and settlekan balance payment. i paid deposit Rm50. so i added another rm180. 

Basically price RM220 (weekdays), RM230 (weekend). and this price valid until 31st dec 2021 je, if not mistaken.

oh anddd, alhamdulillah orang2 yang jumpa on that day semua mesra je. tak sombong pun. so i get along quite well with them. alhamdulillah.

dah settle semua, dia bawak dalam 10 orang naik 4x4, to puncak bukit. sumpah seronok walaupun i rasa macam nak tercampak keluar dari 4x4 tu. dah berani sangat duduk belakang, tempat yang takde tutup tu. tapi kira okay ah, new experience gak for me. 2 in 1 ah.

sebelum pilot2 sampai, sempat la ambik gambar dulu. 😜

okay ni pilot dah bentangkan all the parachute. excited terokkk!

pastu dia akan panggil ikut number yang kita register tu. and i was the number 1!!!

time dia dah suruh pakai all the beg tu, i cam cuak dah. tengok member sebelah dah gerak dulu, lagi cuak. hahahah tapi dah sampaikan, takkan nak cancel pulakk.

tawakal je laaa!

oh untuk yang tanya pasal barang2, kalau barang ringan2 boleh je bawak. nanti letak dalam beg pilot.

untuk gopro, jangan risauuu. dia attached with string. so kalau terlepas, insyaAllah takyah pi teroka hutan bawah tu semata nak cari gopro 😜😂 (btw i anxious 3 days bout this gopro. sebelum fly tu soalan pertama yang i tanya pilot 🤣)

time nak fly tu kena lari sikit. tapi i kelakar habis. sebab i rasa dah lari dah tapi tak bergerak pun 🤣🤣 maybe i ringan sangat. ciannnn

ohhh untuk berat, i tak sure maximum berapa. cuma kalau berat exceed 80kg, kena add rm50. 

Alhamdulillah my first flying experience was super duper great! korang kena try sendiri. once in a lifetime.

kat atas tu tenang sangat. sempat la i feeling(read as nangis). tapi pastu pilot ajak borak. kita layan je la. part pilot buat spin tu, i cam ready tak ready je ah. rela tak rela. sebab dah tengok few videos kat tiktok before datang. tengok dah orang jerit cemana. tapi bila experience sendiri, fuhhhh sampai tak terjerit. awal2 je i jerit, pastu i diam. rasa cam dunia senyap je time tu.

tah2 i pengsan sesaat dua hahahahah

so thats all. after landing, pilot akan terus kasi memory card. bawak memory card tu pergi counter register tadi. dia akan terus transfer to phone.

dah transfer video, i terus gerak. singgah breakfast dulu. pastu lalu ampang pecah. ingat nak mandi tapi tak bawak baju. hahaha

okayy, itu aja sharing untuk my first paragliding experience.

here is the link of my first flying experience video : Paragliding

bottom line nya, korang kena pergi. face your fears. tak rugi. and no price is too expensive for an experience.




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